
This website is optimized for Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer 11 or higher.

DATE : 2020-10-28 HIT : 3878

This is the Korea·World Chinese Entrepreneurs Business Week 2020 Seoul Secretariat.
The website of KWCE.NET has recently been renewed.
Our website is optimized for Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer 11 or higher.
Since it’s been built using HTML5 and CSS3, some functions may not work properly on Internet Explorer 9 or lower.
Please download the latest IE version or use other browsers such as Chrome to fully utilize the KWCE.NET services.


* In case that you use Internet Explorer 11 or higher, but still has an issue:
- If your PC is running Windows XP instead of Windows 7 or 8, click [Tools] on the menu bar and select [Compatibility View Settings] from the pull-down menu.

  Then uncheck the [Display all websites in Compatibility View] option if present and enabled.
